Natural Hazards (Excluding Coastal Hazards) Part A, and Franz Josef Special and Settlement Zones
- Date of Hearing: commencing 8 October 2024
- Location: Franz Josef, St John training room
- Address: 97 Cron Street, Franz Josef
This hearing will deal with the South Westland Natural Hazards (Excluding Coastal Natural Hazards) Part A, and Franz Josef Special and Settlement Zones topics.
The Natural Hazards chapter:
- identifies the extent of natural hazards in relation to flooding, land instability, earthquake hazards, lake and coastal tsunami
- seeks to protect communities from the risks of these hazards
- coastal natural hazards are included in this chapter but will be dealt with at a future hearing
The Special Zones chapter in relation to the Franz Josef area:
- identifies the locations for the Airport Zone, Future Urban Zone, Hospital Zone, Māori Purpose Zone,
- Identifies the location for the Franz Josef Scenic Visitor Zone
- manages the special activities that occur within the special purpose zones and seeks to balance these with other resource management considerations.
The Settlement Zones chapter:
- identifies the locations for the Settlement Zone, and the Precincts within it – Coastal Settlement Precinct, Rural Residential Precinct and Settlement Centre Precinct.
- manages the activities which occur within the zone and precincts and seeks to balance these with other resource management considerations.
The documents for the hearing will be listed below:
- Planning report prepared under Section 42A of the Resource Management Act – available from 26 August 2024
- Expert evidence from the submitters – to be submitted by 9 September 2024
- Legal submissions – to be submitted by 23 September 2024
If you have a request to:
- present evidence in Te Reo Maori, or NZ Sign Language, this must be made before 12th August 2024,
- if you wish or your witness wish to appear via video link, this must be made before 24th September 2024.
All hearings will be recorded and added to the website under ‘Hearing Videos’ tab.
Planning reports prepared under Section 42A of the Resource Management Act – Franz Josef
Planning reports prepared under Section 42A of the Resource Management Act – Natural Hazards
Natural Hazards Chapter s42A Report
Appendix 1 – Sharon Hornblow Evidence for Planning report for Natural Hazards s42a report
Appendix 2 – Recommendations on Submissions
Appendix 3 – NH Chapter as Notified – s42A changes underline&strikethrough
Appendix 3 – SUB Chapter for NH as Notified – s42A changes underline&strikethrough
Appendix 3 – Definitions for NH as Notified – s42A changes underline&strike
Appendix 4 – Objective Policy and Rule Linkages – s42A Proposed Provisions
Appendix 5 – Activity Status Matrix – s42A proposed changes
Appendix 6 – Punakaiki Rockfall Study for BDC URS 2003
West Coast Regional Council – Rebuttal evidence – James Beban
WCRC – Rebuttal evidence (18 October 2024) – Natural Hazards
Expert evidence from submitters
Manawa Energy Limited’s evidence of Stephanie Styles (Natural Hazards) – 2 September
Scenic Hotel Group’s evidence of Melanie Foote – 9 September
Skyline Enterprises Limited’s evidence of Nikki Smetham – September 9 (130 MB)
Skyline Enterprises Limited’s evidence of Andrew Wells – September 9
Skyline Enterprises Limited’s evidence of Fraser Colgrave – September 9
Skyline Enterprises Limited’s evidence of Paul Faulkner – September 9
Skyline Enterprises Limited’s evidence of Rob Greenaway – September 9
Skyline Enterprises Limited’s evidence of Sean Dent – September 9
Skyline Enterprises Limited’s evidence of Geoff McDonald – September 9
Buller District Council’s evidence of Craig Barr (Natural Hazards) – 9 September
Grant Marshall’s evidence of Nicholas Harwood (Natural Hazards) – 23 September
Submitter statements presented at hearing
Submitter correspondence
Memorandum of counsel on behalf of Skyline Enterprises Limited – 6 June
S663 Telcos Support for s42A recommendations on Natural Hazards – 29 August
Hearing Statement from Silver Fern Farms – 4 September
Freehold Properties (Investments) LLP (FP) – 5 September
Letter from KiwiRail – 9 September
Memorandum of counsel for Skyline Enterprises Limited – 11 September
Skyline Enterprises Limited’s response to Minute 49 -Definition of Recreation Activity
Casebook from skyline Enterprises Limited
Skyline Enterprises Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [2017] NZEnvC 124
Gisborne District Council v Eldamos Investments Ltd HC Gisborne CIV-2005-485-1241, 26 October 2005
Golf (2012) Ltd v Thames-Coromandel District Council [2019] NZEnvC 112
Land Equity Group v Napier City Council ENC Wellington W025 08, 5 May 2008
Leith v Auckland City Council PT Decision A34 95, 24 April 1995
Sloan v Christchurch District Council
Upper Clutha Environmental Society Inc v Queenstown Lakes District Council [2019] NZEnvC 205
Eldamos Investments Ltd v Gisborne District Council ENC Wellington W047 2005, 22 May 2005
Briggs v Christchurch City Council ENC Christchurch C045 08, 24 April 2008
Reporting officer’s right of reply (Franz Josef)
Reporting officer’s right of reply(Natural Hazards)
Submitters wishing to be heard:
Original Submitter full |
Laura Coll McLaughlin (S574) |
Grey District Council (S608) |
KiwiRail Holdings Limited (S442) |
G.E. and C.J. Coates on behalf of Nikau Deer Farm Limited (S415) |
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (S450) |
John Brazil (S360) |
Westland Farm Services (S550) |
Craig Schwitzer (S96) |
Buller Conservation Group (S552) |
WMS Group (HQ) Limited and WMS Land Co. Limited (S599) |
Frida Inta (S553) |
Snodgrass Road submitters (S619) |
TiGa Minerals and Metals Limited (S493) |
Te Mana Ora (Community and Public Health) of the NPHS/ Te Whatu Ora (S190) |
Birchfield Coal Mines Ltd (S601) |
Birchfield Ross Mining Limited (S604) |
Peter Langford (S615) |
Karamea Lime Company (S614) |
Tim and Phaedra Robins (S579) |
Catherine Smart-Simpson (S564) |
Minerals West Coast (S569) |
William McLaughlin (S567) |
Joel and Jennifer Watkins (S565) |
Steve Croasdale (S516) |
Inger Perkins (S462) |
Westpower Limited (S547) |
Geoff Volckman (S563) |
Tim Macfarlane (S482) |
Leonie Avery (S507) |
Straterra (S536) |
Russell and Joanne Smith (S477) |
Claire & John West (S506) |
Jared Avery (S508) |
Kyle Avery (S509) |
Avery Bros (S510) |
Bradshaw Farms (S511) |
Paul Avery (S512) |
Brett Avery (S513) |
Lauren Nyhan Anthony Phillips (S533) |
Chris & Jan Coll (S558) |
Stewart & Catherine Nimmo (S559) |
Chris J Coll Surveying Limited (S566) |
Transpower New Zealand Limited (S299) |
Federated Farmers of New Zealand (S524) |
Neil Mouat (S535) |
Department of Conservation (S602) |
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc. (Forest & Bird) (S560) |
Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, Te Runanga o Ngati Waewae, Te Runanga o Makaawhio (S620) |
Te Tumu Paeroa – The office of the Māori Trustee (S440) |
Avery Brothers (S609) |
Bert Hofmans (S504) |
Bathurst Resources Limited and BT Mining Limited (S491) |
Lindy Millar (S505) |
Silver Fern Farms Limited by its authorised agents Mitchell Daysh Limited (S441) |
Ministry of Education Te Tāhuhu o Te Mātauranga (S456) |
Horticulture New Zealand (S486) |
Buller District Council (S538) |
Dean Van Mierlo (S570) |
Denis and Wendy Cadigan (S532) |
Cape Foulwind Staple 2 Ltd (S568) |
Hapuka Landing Limited (S514) |
Foodstuffs (South Island) Properties Limited and Foodstuffs South Island Limited (S464) |
Lynne Lever & Greg Tinney (S320) |
Westland District Council (S181) |
Greg Maitland (S571) |
Glenn Robinson (S216) |
West Coast Penguin Trust (S275) |
John Caygill (S290) |
John Helen & Brett Hadland (S318) |
Emilie Schmitthaeusler (S57) |
Sander De Vries (S58) |
Misato Nomura (S151) |
Joanne and Ken Dixon (S213) |
Gerard Nolan (S261) |
Jane Neale (S262) |
Riarnne Klempel (S296) |
Tony Schroder (S343) |
Emi Schroder (S369) |
Gail Dickson (S407) |
Brian Anderson (S576) |
Suzanne Hills (S443) |
Clare Backes (S444) |
Jane Whyte & Jeff Page (S467) |
Katherine Gilbert (S473) |
Frank and Jo Dooley (S478) |
Robert Burdekin (S378) |
New Zealand Defence Force (S519) |
Delwyn Broadbent (S319) |
Katherine Crick (S101) |
Ruth Henschel (S150) |
Richard Henschel (S285) |
West Coast Regional Council (S488) |
Karen Vincent (S393) |
Trevor Hayes (S377) |
Jon Barltrop (S572) |
Vance & Carol Boyd (S447) |
Michael Snowden (S492) |
Fiona McDonald (S561) |
David Moore (S65) |
Karen and Dana Vincent (S591) |
Michael Hill (S70) |
Jackie and Bart Mathers and Gillman (S228) |
Amanda Jenkins (S575) |
Raylene Black (S305) |
Laurence Rueter (S381) |
Fernando Tarango (S342) |
Teresa Wyndham-Smith (S312) |
Chorus NZ Ltd, Spark NZ Trading Ltd, Vodafone NZ Ltd (S663) |
Lara Kelly (S421) |
Te Tai o Poutini Plan Committee (S171) |
Margaret Montgomery (S446) |
West Coast Penguin Trust |
Grey District Council |
Buller District Council |
Westpower Limited |
Davis Ogilvie & Partners Ltd |
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu |
Robin Alistair Nicholl |
Gordon D Ferguson |
TiGa Minerals and Metals Limited |
Birchfields Ross ltd |
Phoenix Minerals Limited |
Hapuka Landing Limited |
Inger Perkins |
Silver Fern Farms Limited |
Neil Mouat |
Bathurst Resources Limited and BT Mining Limited |
WMS Group (HQ) Limited and WMS Land Co. Limited |
MBD Contracting Limited |
Buller Electricity Limited |
Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of NZ Inc. (Forest & Bird) |
Department of Conservation |
Transpower NZ Ltd |
Radio New Zealand Limited (RNZ) |
Bert Hofmans |
Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa, Outdoor Access Commission |
Paul Elwell-Sutton |
Snodgrass Road Submitters |
Marie Elder |
Tauranga Bay Holdings Ltd |
Waka Kotahi NZTA |
Ruth Henschel |
Mike Spruce |
Frida Inta |
Buller Conservation Group |
Frank O’Toole |
Karamea Community Incorporated |
William McLaughlin |
Catherine Jane Smart-Simpson |
Nathan Simpson |
Geoff Volckman |
Kathleen Beveridge |
Maurice Beveridge |
Frans Volckman |
Tom Murton |
Maryann Volckman |
Kylie Volckman |
Barbara Bjerring |
Brian Patrick Jones |
Bryan Rhodes |
Frank Bjerring |
Jane Garrett |
Allwyn Gourley |
Bevan Langford |
Shaun Rhodes |
Jack Simpson |
Roger Gibson |
Rachel Shearer |
Gareth Guglebreten |
Charlotte Aitken |
Glen Kingan |
Hayden Crossman |
Susan Waide |
Desirae Bradshaw |
Andrew Bruning |
Marty Syron |
Kelvin Jeff Neighbours |
J & M Syron Farms |
Michelle Joy Stevenson |
Marnie Stevenson |
Sophie Fox |
Ed Tinomana |
Dave Webster |
Aidan Corkill |
Shanae Douglas |
Danielle O’Toole |
Aimee Milne |
Michael O’Regan |
Neal Gallagher |
Arthur Neighbours |
Mat Knudsen |
Brendon Draper |
Matthew Thomas |
Philip O’Connor |
Tracy Moss |
James Dunlop Stevenson |
Murray Aitken |
Joel Hands |
Peter Hands |
Patrick John Hands |
Jackie O’Connor |
Maurice Douglas |
Gary Donaldson |
Joy Donaldson |
Selwyn Lowe |
Sheryl Marie Rhind |
Stewart James Rhind |
Oparara Valley Project Trust |
Rosalie Sampson |
John Milne |
Jo-Anne Milne |
Jessie Gallagher |
Cheryl Gallagher |
Margaret Jane Milne |
Vance & Carol Boyd |
Chris Lowe |