Section 32 Reports
The Section 32 Reports explain the difference between the Operative Plans (the current Buller, Grey and Westland District Plans) and the Proposed Te Tai o Poutini Plan, the combined district plan for the West Coast, approaches and evaluate the proposed changes. They provide background information on what the Proposed Te Tai o Poutini Plan is seeking to achieve.
1. Overview and Strategic Directions
2. Energy, Infrastructure and Transport
3. Natural Hazards, Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land
4. Historic heritage, Notable Trees, Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori
5. Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity, Natural Features and Landscapes, Natural Character and the Margins of Waterbodies, Activities on the Surface of Water, Coastal Environment
6. Subdivision and Financial Contributions
7. Earthworks, Noise, Light, Signs, Temporary Activities
8. Commercial and Mixed Use Zones
9. Industrial Zones
10. Open Space, Recreation Zones, Public Access
11. Residential Zones
12. Rural Zones
13. Special Zones – Airport, Port, Hospital, Stadium, Future Urban, Māori Purpose, Scenic Visitor Zone
14. Mineral Extraction
15. Designations
Section 32 reports for Variations
These section 32 reports only relate to the provisions in the variations to the proposed Te Tai o Poutini Plan. These reports should be read in conjunction with the above s32 reports.